Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hi Grandma.  Hope you enjoyed seeing me on ultrasound today.  I know it was probably hard to see a lot of the stuff cause it is getting really cramped in here, but hope you got to see some of me anyways, even though I kept hiding my face behind my arm.  And I just couldn't sit still either.  It was just one of them days I wanted to do the boogie or practice karate.....hehe.  Anyways, I should see you soon. 

Love Baby Girl.......

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Baby shower.....

Mom had my baby shower yesterday.  It was a wonderful day for her.  She wished you could have been there but her bestest cousin and 2 best friends were there.  No one else showed up but mommy knew her most important people were there (except you) and thats all that mattered.  Nickie made some good sandwiches, a fruit basket with a watermelon shaped like a baby carriage, red velvet cupcakes with pink cream cheese frosting, and some pasta salad, and pink punch too.  So they ate the yummy food.  Then they laughed at the little girls eating cupcakes and making messes.  There was Nickie's 2 girls Josie and Jacie, and then Missy's little girl Addy and then her older daughter Kira.  Kira wasn't messy though...hahaha.  Then Kira wanted to play the shower games so she was in charge of that.  First they guessed how many M&Ms were in a baby bottle.  Nickie won that as she guessed 250 and it was 275.  Then they had to guess what items were in a pillow case just by feeling the items in 10 seconds.  Jenny won that one.  Then they had to cut a piece of yarn the size they thought was closest to fitting around mommy's tummy.  Mom was super close but Nickie was closer.  Nickie has had more practice....hahaha.  Before mom left Rhonda (Shawn's mom) showed up and she had a blanket she made for me along with a little PJ.  So mom took some pics of the stuff so you could see what she got.  All very nice stuff......Anyways, on Tuesday I will be 32 weeks.  Getting closer to when I get here.......

Luv you.......

From Jenny.....cloths, pink/purple blankie and receiving blankies, a couple swaddle blankies, a package of wipes, grooming kit, teether, pacifiers, and a cute basket.....

From Nickie......a bunch of duckies for bath time, pink/purple/white blankie, a swaddle blankie, lotion and bath wash and washing puff....

From Rhonda.......blankie and PJs

From Missy.....a diaper garbage can, a bottle warmer, and lotion/body wash/shampoo/diaper rash cream, and a homemade quilt.....

Oh.....and here is a bow/flower thing Rhonda had made for mommy to wear at the shower, with some baby ribbon Nickie had picked up.....

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Just saying hey.....

Hi Grandma.  I know it has been a while since last time, but things have been crazy busy around here. You know how crazy things have been with the loss of a couple family members and other things.  Loki.....I sure do miss him laying on me.  And then there is the puppies which was quite a busy mess too.  Still busy with the one mom calls Sassy or turd, but not as bad as it was.  Sassy is sure noisy some days.  Hard to sleep with all that racket.  Mom thinks its ok though cause the more I move during the day the less I keep her awake at night....haha.  She doesn't find it amusing when Sassy and I both wake her at 5am everymorning.  She just wishes we would let her sleep another 30mins.  But as soon as Sassy starts in so does my kicking.  Mom and dad have been working hard at getting my room finished.  It is down to just trim boards and a shelf which daddy will hopefully have finished over the weekend.  Mom and dad are disappointed with Menards because the carpet didn't seam together like they said it would.  But with the crib and other stuff there, no one will really see it.  And then the closet doors which are the same size, are not actually the same is just a teensy bit longer than the other.  Makes mom very cranky when she looks at it......haha.  The crib is put together and mom has been washing lots of the blankets she has.  And she stacked them in the crib for now.  She even hung some snow suits in the closet and daddy thought that was the coolest cause he can see my stuff around now.  Its different to see it in my room rather than in totes and in corners of the house.  Daddy is going to be soooo busy between me and Sassy and all the big dogs......hahaha.  He might have to quit his job......hehehe.  Mom saw the doctor today and all was well.  Mom's belly measured 31 which was perfect and means I am still growing and heart beat was good too.  Mom sees the doc in 2 weeks again but she has 2 ultrasounds that day first.  They will be checking my movement and other stuff which will give them my vitals and important stuff.  Just something they want to do in high risk pregnancies.  Least mom and dad will get to see me again.  They like seeing me and seeing the things I am doing in mom's tummy.  I will be 32 weeks 2 days at the next ultrasound.  (During the last ultrasound they saw me keep opening and closing my mouth.)  This time the guy got a pic of me with my lips and nose smack up against it looks like I have my face pressed against a window so my lips are fat.  The other pic he gave mom and dad was a face frontal again.  I look less alien now.  He also told mom I am still a girl....hahaha.  Mom also tried to get a pic of the baby room but the color just won't show true.  So she will wait until you are here to decide on curtains.  The shades are enough for now to keep light out.  Anyways, all for now.....

Love baby girl Greisen

Here are my lips and nose (like I pressed them against mom)

 The front of my face again

My room coming along. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I kicked daddy....

Daddy felt me kick his hand this morning.  He was giving mommy her shot and afterward he sat there for a minute.  He must have been sort of stunned because it took him a minute to help mommy get back up and then he told mommy "I think I felt her kick or else you have gas".  And mommy said well I don't ever have gas that far over.  Then daddy said "That was weird".  Then mommy went back to bed and I was still kicking in the same spot so she knows I kicked daddy.  She hadn't felt me at the time I kicked daddy cause she was holding her breath concentrating because the shot hurt.  So I will have to start kicking daddy some more now.....hehehe. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hi Grandma.  I am a little more settled down today but the last few days I have been giving mom a real run for her money.  I have been making her very uncomfortable with my movements and kicks and punches.  I am a real stinker.  Mom has actually felt me a few more times on the outside, but then whenever she thinks of calling dad over I stop....haha.  And then I like to really kick around some lower portion and whatever it is that I am kicking, its very uncomfy for mom.  It makes her worry for when my movements get stronger.  I also like to plop down on moms bladder sometimes which makes her need to pee constantly.  She is so thankful every time I get off of it because she doesn't have a big bladder to begin with. 
Mom scored pretty good for me at some rummage sales in Grand Forks this last weekend.  She got some cute cloths and daddy's favorite that mommy found was a cute little yellow bathrobe with a ducky on it for 0-9 months.   Daddy found a dress for me too that he HAD TO HAVE.  It was for the 12 month age and mommy tried telling daddy that I would be 12 months next Aug-Sept.  Not during next Christmas.  But daddy didn't care, he had to get it even if I just wear it at home....hahaha.  Mommy also got me a jumperoo and play-matt at a fancy neighborhood in GF.  The lady was really nice and showed mom how to take it apart too.  Mom already washed the stuff in the washing machine and whatever couldn't go in there was washed with bleach water.  So now its just our germs and maybe some of Loki's slobber and hair.  I liked listening to Loki groan this weekend.  He was laying with his head on mommy's tummy making noises and I kicked him a couple times but he still stayed where he was.  He likes to lay his head by mommy's tummy alot.  Maybe he knows I am in there now. 
Anyways, Mom is attaching some pics for me.  Especially the one of daddy's dress for me (at the bottom).  Daddy is so funny....he is soooo going to spoil me. 

Luv Baby G
My Jumperoo and Play-matt

My cute bathrobe

And Daddy's dress he got for me.....    :o)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hi again Grandma,

Sorry its been so long since I wrote Grandma.  But I have been busy growing and growing.  Mom and Dad have been busy trying to prepare for me.  Dad has been working hard on my room.  Its stripped of old carpet now and mud is going on the walls.  Pretty soon dad will probably be ready to paint.  He was busy yesterday staining trim boards.  Mom and dad went to a few rummage sales yesterday morning and mom found a couple of snow suits for me so I will hopefully be covered there for the winter.  Dad found a cute little rocking horse that makes glopping noises and horses noises.  He HAD to have it for me.  So mom relented and when they got home mom washed the horse up with a soap/bleach mix, and then she sprayed it down with lysol too.  Between the bassinet, the swing, stroller/car seat and horse, the living room is getting crowded.  Haha.  Things are going better for mom.  She can eat more food now.  Although I am still killing her appetite she can at least eat fruits and veggies and milk now.  I am sucking up every bit of food mom eats.  She was getting worried again last week cause she was having a hard time feeling me move.  Sometimes she couldn't tell if it was me, or gas.  So last Thursday I kicked her around pretty good that night.  So good that she actually got to feel it on the outside.  Usually I keep it lighter, but figured I would let her know I was doing fine.  I suppose I should start kicking harder soon so dad can feel too.  I probably will as I keep growing and it gets more crowded in here. I will be 24 weeks on Tuesday, or if you go by my size at my last ultrasound then it would be Monday.  I will be here before you guys know it. 

Luv you Grandma
P.S.  Look at the cool horse daddy got me.....

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ultrasound Day!!

We had an ultrasound today.  Mom and dad were excited to see me.  It took a while during the ultrasound because there was a newbie doing it instead of the girl that was supposed to do it.  Mom felt better by the end though because that girl came in and redid some of the pics the guy didn't do quite right.  And she got mom a actual pic of my gender.  Guess what??  I am a girl!!!!  Mom wasn't sure that she could trust the guy because he just didn't see boy parts and mom knew that with girls they could see something they call the 3 lines which is the girly parts.  So after the girl tech finished, mom felt much better.  Mom was worried during some of the ultrasound because apparently she couldn't see my feet.  She just saw legs or stubs as she called them with no feet.  Dad laughed at her because he saw the feet, but then mom had a bad view of the screen laying back how she was.  Dad had a much better view.   Mom felt better when the girl tech got a real picture of my foot up close.  I was pretty stubborn though and was very wiggly so they didn't get a decent profile picture of me.  But they did get a full face shot.  Mom laughs because dad thought I looked like an alien but mom knew my head/brain are still shaping at this point.  Dad also got to see me yawn.  After the techs were done and got all the pics of the heart and other stuff, Mom and Dad went to see the doctor.  He went over all the pics with them and told them everything looked very good and normal.  Then dad got to hear my heart beat for the first time.  He was so happy to hear it.  He didn't know why it was so fast compared to Mom's but the doc explained.  After mom and dad left the hospital, they had a few people to tell who were waiting to hear about me.  Mom even told  you Grandma.  You didn't get to really see the pics, so mom put them on here for me.....

Luv you Grandma. 

My face

My spine

My girly parts

My foot